Anna Trevisan

Anna Trevisan

Italy – CSC

Anna Trevisan is a blogger, a freelance journalist and an intercultural mediator. She graduated from Ca ‘Foscari University of Venice in philosophy. She obtained her master’s degree in Communication at Il Sole 24 Ore newspaper in Milan and, subsequently, a masters degree in Intercultural Studies at the University of Padua, with her tesi: Diary from the Accomodation Centre for Asylum Seeker/ Identification and Expulsion Centres (C.A.R.A./C.I.E.) of Crotone (South Italy), and Due Palazzi Prison in Padua: the experience of two different settings in order to observe the conditions of non-citizens in Italy. She never needed a visa or residence permit herself to travel and study elsewhere in Europe.
For several years (2000–2006) she worked for D.M.T. (Dance–Music–Theatre) of the Venice Biennale. She also collaborated with their Art and Architecture department for several editions, as the official guide for the International Jury during the Golden Lion awards.
She is passionate about the “migrant question”, which she has been actively involved in since 2006. She has worked as a volunteer in Africa over the summer, then taught Italian to local adult immigrants over the winter at the Scalabrini Missionary Institute, for seven years. As an Italian L2 teacher, she has worked in local public schools for several years, teaching immigrant women and children, thanks to a project sponsored by her town. She has worked as intercultural operator at the Immigrant Help-Desk, where she listened to multifarious life stories.
She is editor of the cultural magazine Finnegans. She is the editor and one of the founders of ABCDance, a dance blog, together with three other colleagues. She has reviewed art exhibitions, dance performances and theatrical productions for over ten years for the cultural listings magazine Venezia News. She collaborates with the website Cult TV Live Reviews and continues to write for its blog Multiculti.
She participated as writer in the first edition of the European project Migrant Bodies, for which she published a report. She also wrote two brief theatrical works, performed in the Italian version of the show Ethnoscape by Cécile Proust (Operaestate Festival -B Motion, 4 July 2015, Palazzo Bonaguro, Bassano del Grappa).
Additionally she has published short stories for Tracciati Editore: In viaggio verso dove (On the way to wherever) in the collection Tre d’amore, 2014 and La bicicletta (The bicycle) in the collection Dammi Cinque 2017. Both of them are dedicated to the life of two immigrant women in Italy.

Andrea Rampazzo

Andrea Rampazzo

Italy – CSC

Andrea Rampazzo is a dance artist based in Italy. In 2011 he attended Arsenale della Danza – Centro di perfezionamento della Danza Contemporanea – in Venice Biennale where he had the chance to deepen his knowledge of practices in contemporary dance. As performer he collaborated with dance companies such as Compagnia Virgilio Sieni, Francesca Selva, ArtemisDanza/Monica Casadei, Laura Boato and Cie Ismael Ivo. Parallel to his activity as a dancer, he choreographed the duets In controluce and Studio per due danzatori e una lampada presented before Aterballetto and Ballet National de Marseille as part of Supporter Danza project. In 2015 he began his collaboration with Déjà Donné Dance Company, both as dancer and choreographer: he signed L’Appel du vide, a solo investigating the desire that drives us away from a safe position towards the unknown and Rapporto occasionale (prima stanza) a duet with Virginia Spallarossa, dealing with possible balances and unbalances in human relations. His works have been presented in various venues and Festivals (Caffeine Festival, Festival Lasciateci Sognare, TenDance, Pillole Festival, Teatro Clitunno, Lago FilmFest, Corpi in Movimento, DirezioniAltre// Centro d’Arte e Cultura, Teatro Menotti etc). In 2017 Andrea attended Dance Makers1 – professional development project for dance artists – and Dance Makers2 – choreographic research week. After that experience he founded, together with the participants of DM1 project, Dance Makers: a heterogeneous group of dance artists that develops choreographic itineraries in museums, site specific/stage performances and produces creative responses and interviews. In the same year he attended Duo à trois voix/Duetto a tre voci, research and creation project in partnership between CSC – Bassano del Grappa and Circuit-Est centre choréographique Montréal, together with the québécoise choreographer Katia-Marie Germain and the dance dramaturge Ginelle Chagnon.


Antonio Gabelić

Antonio Gabelić

Croatia – Hipp

Antonio Gabelić lives to write and writes to live (he is a general practice writer, one could say). He has worked as a journalist (both print and digital), he was a screenwriter for many television series, short films and television shows and wrote many theatre plays that were performed at numerous theatres in Croatia. Antonio was educated at the Academy of Dramatic Art in Zagreb. He participated in many workshops and talent campuses. He won numerous awards for his work. His short film “Travelling” was screened at Cannes film festival (official program). Antonio participated in many international project, such as Migrant bodies.

Daniel Favier

Daniel Favier

France – La Briqueterie

Daniel Favier is the director of La Briqueterie – CDC du Val de Marne and the Dance Biennale of Val de Marne since 2009. Previously Daniel was the general manager and director of development at the Hivernales of Avignon from 1996 to 2009. He has worked on numerous European collaborative projects, such as Métamorphoses and B-project at La Briqueterie and Trans Danse Europe at the Hivernales, for which he was the production director. From 1992 to 1996, he was the administrator of Roc in Lichen vertical dance company, directed by choreographers Laura de Nercy and Bruno Dizien. Previously, he had been an interpreter of L’Olifant company directed by Bernard Cordreaux for 10 years. Daniel Favier is proficient in the use of French and English.

Elisabetta Bisaro

Elisabetta Bisaro

France – La Briqueterie

Elisabetta Bisaro has worked in a programming and managerial capacity in the field of dance and the performing arts across three countries. After her initial steps in Italy, she rooted herself in Ireland as Programme Manager of Dance Ireland in Dublin for 6 years. During this post she was responsible for curating and managing the organisation’s artistic professional programming and all international projects, including four EU-funded projects (Modul-dance, Tour d’Europe des choréographes, E-Motional Bodies & Cities, Léim). In 2012, she curated Made in Dublin, a special season of new dance performances, dance film screenings and talks to mark the inaugural event in Dance Ireland’s 21st anniversary programme. Since September 2013, she has overseen the international development of La Briqueterie – CDC du Val-de-Marne in France, managing 4 EU-funded projects and several other international cooperation projects. She has been the project manager of Dancing Museums – Old Masters, New Traces (2015-2017). She is the president of PlanTS, an all-women arts organisation based in Trieste. Elisabetta holds an MA in Translation Studies from the University of Trieste, Italy. Elisabetta is proficient in the use of Italian, English, French and Spanish.


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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.