The Migrant Bodies – Sunday at Museo Civico

The Migrant Bodies – Sunday at Museo Civico

Very inspiring Sunday at Museo Civico with dance practices led by Nora Chipaumire, Melanie Demers and Sangeeta Isvaran, dialogues and exchenges around the subject ‘the body archive’ with international artists, Ginelle Chagnon and Amerigo Pugliese.

The Migrant Bodies-team returns to Italy

The Migrant Bodies-team returns to Italy

At Arte Sella the day started wonderfully with dances led by Selamawit Biruk and Latin Sumo, with live music played by Anna Bragagnolo and Madibo Traure.
Inspiring exchanges of insights, amongst the international participants, were facilitated by Monica Gillette during the rest of the day.

Handshake action in Zagreb

Handshake action in Zagreb

Migrant Bodies participants had a great time, met lots of surprising reactions and gained lots of positive experiences today, saying hello and shaking hands with everyone that crossed our path today. Building bridges, spreading openness, acceptance and positivity, from Dolac to the clock on the Ban Jelačić square in Zagreb.



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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.