Migrant Bodies in Rechnitz, sharing moment

Migrant Bodies in Rechnitz, sharing moment

Sharing moves. Sharing food. Sharing knowledge.
What a wonderful day in Rechnitz deepening the relationships and learning from each other. In the evening the artists, organisers and local visitors were introduced to Afghan cuisine. Thank you for your hospitality boys!

with Roberto Casarotto, Mirna Zagar, Elisabetta Bisaro, Liz King, Žak Valenta, Andrea Rampazz,o Jordi Gali, Katharina Senk, Monica Gillette, Edith Wolf Perez, Pascal Steiner, Jawed Shamsi, Mostafa Quraishi, Zaryali Khan, Lacine Sidibe, Ihsanullah Rahimi, Hrvatski institut za pokret i ples – HIPP, CSC Centro per la Scena Contemporanea, La Briqueterie CDCN du Val-de-Marne, D.ID Dance Identity, Diakonie Flüchtlingsdienst.


Second day for Migrant Bodies in Rechnitz

Second day for Migrant Bodies in Rechnitz

Today we visited the regional capital Oberwart and had a public session on the main square open to migrants and local citizens. Afterwards we were given the opportunity to gather at the local support center for migrants to exchange experiences and personal backgrounds. We were very pleased to be be visited by the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation who are helping to raise awareness and relate the project to a broader spectrum of the community.

Migrant Bodies has arrived in Rechnitz

Migrant Bodies has arrived in Rechnitz

Migrant Bodies has arrived in Rechnitz, a small Village on the Austrian/Hungarian Border. We will be spending the week with a group of boys aged 13 – 17 who have walked here from Afghanistan, Somalia and Eritrea. It’s been a great first day getting to know the boys and starting the work. Thank you for the warm welcome!

Migrant Bodies project – The video

Migrant Bodies project – The video

What happened in Bassano during the first workshop of the project? This is a short film by Roberto Cinconze about the experience of Selamawit Biruk at the first workshop of Migrant Bodies-moving borders in Bassano del Grappa.


Comune di Bassano del Grappa
Via Matteotti, 39 - 36061
Bassano del Grappa VI
Phone +39(0)424 519111
VAT 00168480242

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Alessia Zanchetta
Phone +39(0)424519804
email: comunicazionefestival@comune.bassano.vi.it

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.