Migrant Bodies project in Trieste

Migrant Bodies project in Trieste

Migrant Bodies – Moving Borders hit the city of Trieste, with a project presentation by Elisabetta Bisaro and artists Jordi Gali and Andrea Rampazzo, followed by the generous performance of T by Jordi Gali in the wonderful setting of the Hydrodynamic Power Station. Thanks to Arci Trieste and Plants prod. for making it possible!

Fifth day for Migrant Bodies project

Fifth day for Migrant Bodies project

A wonderful dance session led by Andrea, Katharina, Jordi and Žak connected and engaged the students, Dance Well dancers, asylum seekers, social workers and dance artists who came to Museo Civico this morning. Joy and artistry exploded in the crowded Sala Chilesotti.  Representatives of the partner organisations together with Peggy Olislaegers, the Dance Artists and Monica Gillette reflected together and shared insights from the intensive week of explorations, discoveries and encounters.

Fourth day for Migrant Bodies project

Fourth day for Migrant Bodies project

The Migrat Bodies-moving borders choreographers led, in pairs, two dance sessions at Musei di Bassano del Grappa today. John Mpaliza inspired all of us with his experiences of being the peace walking man of Europe, sensibilizing people about the human conditions in his home land the Democratic Republic of Congo. In the afternoon Selamawit guided the participants in the moving borders walk, exploring the city centre of Bassano from her perspective.

Third day for Migrant Bodies project

Third day for Migrant Bodies project

In the third day Jordi Galì led the dance practice with a very numerous group of participants and Katharina Senk guided the afternoon dance session bringing new immagineries and proposals. The explorations continued with Monica Gillette who joined today the Migrant Bodies-moving borders team.

Second day for Migrant Bodies project

Second day for Migrant Bodies project

Second day of research for the Migrant Bodies-moving borders team at Museo Civico. Andrea and Žak led a dance class each, for groups of citizens and asylum seekers living in Bassano del Grappa. Anna Trevisan shared her experiences as cultural mediator and writer, investigating migrant bodies and dances across the continents.


Comune di Bassano del Grappa
Via Matteotti, 39 - 36061
Bassano del Grappa VI
Phone +39(0)424 519111
VAT 00168480242

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Alessia Zanchetta
Phone +39(0)424519804
email: comunicazionefestival@comune.bassano.vi.it

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.