Gdańsk – 7 September 2019
Migrant Bodies-Moving Borders is being presented at the Polish Dance Platform 2019
7 September 2019 (Saturday)
12:00–13:30 – panel discussion: Dance within Civil Society Contexts
Venue: European Solidarity Centre
It is no coincidence that the panel discussion “Dance Within Civil Society Contexts” takes place in
Gdańsk in the European Solidarity Centre. Gdańsk – the City of Freedom and openness to diversity
is the first city in Poland where the Council for Equal Treatment and the Council for Immigrants
and a model of their integration were created. Gdańsk also sees dance as one of the tools for
building a society rooted in tolerance and solidarity and having relations based on respect for
differences. The speakers invited by us will present methods and tools for working with social and
ethnic minorities and disadvantaged groups; these methods and tools enable, through dance, to
integrate these groups into a broader public discourse.